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  • Bord Na Gaidhlig - Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd

    Created: 21/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    The Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd funding programme was established to help community groups to undertake projects in support of the National Gaelic Language Plan.

    Applications may be made for funding which will be spent on projects taking place between April 2024 and August 2026. This year’s fund offers the opportunity to apply for up to two years’ worth of funding, for longer-term projects or those that are recurring annually.

    This year they are particularly looking to support projects which:

    • Promote the use of Gaelic between speakers of different ages
    • Provide young Gaelic speakers with the opportunity to use the language outwith school, college, or university
    • Focus on supporting people’s wellbeing through using Gaelic
    • Encourage or support families to use Gaelic together at home
    • Create opportunities for adults to learn Gaelic
    • Promote Gaelic as part of local, national, or international events and celebrations

    Who can apply

    This fund is open to constituted organisations based in Scotland, or working in Scotland, that hope to deliver a project to promote the use of Gaelic within a given community. Social enterprises, schools, sporting, religious and arts groups have previously received assistance, but voluntary community organisations will be prioritised.

    How to apply

    Guidelines and application form can be accessed via the Bord Na Gaidhlig website.

    The 2024-26 scheme is open until 3.00pm on Tuesday 16 January 2024.

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