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  • Fathers Network Scotland - Understanding Paternal Mental Health

    Created: 20/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Training and Learning
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    When: 9.30am-12.30pm, Tuesday 12 December 2023
    Where: This event is being organised by Fathers Network Scotland
    This particular event is free to attend, so no payment is required.

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Fathers Network Scotland (FNS) guarantee that by the end of this dynamic learning experience you will:

    • Be ready to start supporting new dads mental health by implementing the specific changes you have identified during the training.
    • Be able to spot warning signs and symptoms associated with poor paternal mental health
    • Feel more confident asking about dads mental health and be able to signpost dads, and their families, to further support services and resources
    • Have a deeper your understanding of new dads’ mental health, and the impact this can have on mums, babies and the family unit

    As well as learning from one of the UK’s leading lived experience specialists. The course will provide you with a chance to connect and share your experiences with other professionals working with families during the perinatal period.

    Each participant will also be supplied with a workbook to support your individual journey and receive follow up information with useful links and tips relating to discussion on the day.

    *If you are part of a team, they also offer team-specific training, which you can find more about here.

    Book your place here. 

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