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voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
  • Successfully Engaging Volunteers with Disability

    Created: 16/11/2023
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering
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    This helpful guide, produced by Volunteering Queensland, is a great resource for those working with people who may be considering volunteering, and those who manage, lead, and recruit volunteers. 

    The guide was developed with the support of people with lived experience of disability. The aim is to share knowledge, experiences, and understanding to strengthen diversity and inclusion across the volunteering ecosystem. 

    The checklists in the guide are particularly helpful and cover: 

    Checklist 1 - Finding the right volunteers 

    Checklist 2 - Preparation, induction and onboarding 

    Checklist 3 - Working with your volunteers 

    Checklist 4 - Evaluation and continuous improvement 

    Click here to read the full guide. 

    Volunteer Scotland also have excellent Top Tips for Volunteer Inclusion you may find helpful. 

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