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  • Police Scotland invite you to take the #YourPolice survey

    Created: 03/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Consultations

    Police Scotland's Insight & Engagement team is seeking a range of responses to a short survey about policing in Scotland, and are particularly keen to hear back from underrepresented or marginalised communities. 

    Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Public engagement activities help the service improve how it delivers policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible and inclusive for everyone. 

    Your Police 2023-24 is a short survey that helps make a difference to what the police do in your local area, and they are inviting everyone in Scotland to take part. 

    With over 100,000 responses over the past few years, the survey is growing to be the largest of its kind in UK policing. It is broadly representative of Scotland's population, but they can and must do more to ensure that minoritised communities are able to take part. 

    The survey contains various themes such as: 

    • Feeling of safety in local area
    • Locations where people feel less safe 
    • Confidence in policing 
    • Respect for police
    • Police performance and attitudes 
    • Concern about crime 
    • Feedback on contacting the police 
    • Suggestions for improvement of the police service 

    Click here to access the survey. 

    The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. 

    The feedback from the survey helps to shape the Annual Police Plan, which sets out what the police do to keep communities safe. 

    This survey is open to the public, so you can share it with service users if appropriate. 

    The survey closes on Sunday 31 March 2024. 

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