voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Minister's Response to Committee's Report on Community Planning
Created: 08/09/2023The Scottish Government’s response to the Local Government, Housing and Planning committee’s inquiry into community planning has now been published here on the Scottish Government's website.
Joe Fitzpatrick MSP met with Cllr Heddle, COSLA Vice President, and Greg Colgan, Chair of the Community Planning Improvement Board (CPIB), to discuss shared ambitions for community planning. These meetings were constructive and ensure that, as highlighted in the Verity House Agreement, Community Planning Partnerships can use collective resources more effectively and efficiently to deliver shared priorities and improve outcomes for people and communities.
Here is an overview of the Scottish Government's response with regards to regionalisation and the third sector.
1. Improving Standards and Sharing Best Practice
The Scottish Government's current review of the Community Empowerment Act addresses a variation in performance between CPPs (Community Planning Partners). They are identifying opportunities to drive improvement and share best practice. This includes the Scottish Government and COSLA sharing examples of CPPs demonstrating best practice to help improve standards.
2. Engaging Locally and Tailored Approaches
CPN (Community Planning Network) officials from local authorities involved in community planning host quarterly groups to share good practice and ask questions. This is key to engaging locally as well as setting clear and defined roles in national guidance on the local response to emergency situations (i.e. a new pandemic). The Scottish Government aim to respond with a tailored approach to a specific circumstance, at the appropriate level, and with the right people in place.
3. Third Sector Involvement
The Scottish Government should consider changes to the act that require CPPs to invite local TSIs (Third Sector Interfaces) and local anchor organisations to be partners. TSIs should support effective community planning by building links between third sector partners and the CPP. The Scottish Government are confident the guidance provides appropriate flexibility for third sector involvement in community planning. The Scottish Government will consider how best to further emphasise the importance of the third sector in community planning.