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  • Social Enterprise Policy and Practice Conference 2023

    Created: 31/08/2023
    News/Events Category: Community Events
    This item will show under the following categories: Social Enterprise  

    When: 12.30pm - 5.00pm, Thursday 26 October 2023
    Where: Greyfriars Charteris Centre, Edinburgh
    This event is being organised by Social Enterprise Scotland

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Tickets for the Social Enterprise Policy and Practice Conference, Scotland’s largest annual social enterprise event, on Thursday 26th October 2023 are open. 

    The event will take place at the Greyfriars Charteris Centre, Edinburgh, 12.30pm-5.00pm. This is a hybrid event.

    This is a must-attend event for those who want to be part of the discussion and influence Scotland’s social enterprise community.

    This year’s Social Enterprise Policy and Practice Conference will provide a platform for key decision makers, social enterprises, leaders, social entrepreneurs, public bodies and support organisations to engage in conversations, share expertise, and network around empowering positive narratives and fostering collaboration for sustainable social impact in Scotland.

    Hosted by Social Enterprise Scotland (SES), the conversation from the 2023 Conference will evolve to feature discussions and the latest thinking, policy updates, and practice news from across the country.

    The primary Conference focus is on the third and final Social Enterprise Action Plan 2024 that supports the ambitious 10 Year Social Enterprise Strategy. This is in the context of emerging policy relating to Community Wealth Building and the move of social enterprise support from the Third Sector Division to the Wellbeing Economy.

    Book your place and find out more here.


    Conference Date – Thursday 26 October 2023

    Conference Timing – 12.30pm – 5.00pm

    Conference Location – Greyfriars Charteris Centre, Edinburgh (120 places are available)

    Social Enterprise Scotland Member – £45 exc VAT (max two per organisation)

    Social Enterprise Scotland Supporter Member – £50 exc VAT (max two per organisation)

    Non Member – £75 exc VAT

    Online Attendee – free

    Conference Agenda – SES will build on the strengths of previous Conferences, previously organised by CEIS, and highly regarded social enterprise movement to catalyse a new way forward at a national, regional, and local level in order to make sure that the voices of social enterprises are recognised and amplified.

    Social Media – join in the conversation online by using the hashtag #SocEntScotConf23. Please stay in touch with us on Twitter/XFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn. Share your news, impact and help us build on this conference to support the future social enterprise sector.

    For more information Email – [email protected].

    Contact: Kirstie Armsworth
    E-mail: [email protected]
    For more information visit this weblink

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