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  • Fife College - Creative Media Partnership with University of St Andrews

    Created: 29/08/2023
    News/Events Category: Employability
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    Fife College students have been gaining valuable hands-on industry experience, thanks to a special creative media partnership between the College and the University of St Andrews.  

    Fife College Media and Communications, Sound Production and Television (Screen Production) students have been testing their new skills in a real-world setting by recording and live-streaming musicians at the University of St Andrews Laidlaw Music Centre.

    The opportunity is a result of a creative media partnership project, agreed upon between staff from the Laidlaw Music Centre and the College’s Faculty of Digital and Creative Industries. Students have captured more than 20 events since the start of the partnership last year, including lunchtime concerts and other special events.

    As well as creating opportunities for College students to record musicians in different locations, the partnership also gives University students the experience of performing while being recorded and live-streamed.

    For further information, and to find out more about the partnership, click here

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