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  • Scottish Government: Statutory guidance on strategic plans and annual performance reports

    Created: 03/08/2023
    News/Events Category: Consultations
    This item will show under the following categories: Health and Social Care  

    The Scottish Government recently brought together a working group, including partners from across health and social care, to refresh the statutory guidance on strategic plans and annual performance reports. The working group included organisations that represent supported people, carer organisations, provider organisations, those who plan and oversee the delivery of services, and many more partner organisations. Fife Health and Social Care Partnership was actively involved in the working group.

    Re-drafts of the statutory guidance on strategic plans and annual performance reports were produced earlier this year through engagement with the working group. The new draft guidance was used to develop Fife’s Annual Performance Report (APR) 2022-2023. The final version of the APR was approved by Fife Integration Joint Board on Friday 28th July 2023.

    The Scottish Government is seeking to capture further feedback and views on these revised guidance documents. Your feedback will help to further improve the guidance and make it more helpful for all integration authorities as they plan services. Your contribution could help improve services in your local area and across the rest of Scotland. You can read more and respond to the consultation here.

    There are no changes to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 or the related regulations.

    Closing date: 27 October 2023


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