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  • Community Council elections announced for September

    Created: 22/06/2023
    News/Events Category: General News

    Fife's Returning Officer has announced that the region's next Community Council elections will be held on Thursday 28 September 2023.

    Community Councils are voluntary organisations with a statutory function. They're run by local residents for the benefit of their geographic area and are considered to be the most local formal tier in our democracy. They represent the community to Fife Council while also helping to bring their community together with activities that foster local well-being. Some of the things that they are involved in include:

    • carrying out projects to enhance their community for all types of citizens
    • issuing community newsletters
    • conducting local surveys
    • campaigning on local issues
    • organising community events (such as local galas)

    According to the boundaries set out by law, Fife has a potential 105 Community Council areas. 85 of those are active. Inactive Community Councils can be re-established if twenty eligible electors successfully petition Fife Council.

    Become a Community Councillor

    Potential candidates have to be registered to vote by Monday 10 July; everyone else who wishes to vote has to be registered by Thursday 10 August.

    If you want to stand, you must:

    • be 16 years old or over
    • be registered to vote in the area of the Community Council are you wish to stand in
    • have lived in the community council area you want to stand in for at least one year.

    The list of Community Councils going to a vote will be published here on Friday 08 September 2023. A vote is only held when there are more candidates wishing to stand than there are places available.

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