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  • Scotland’s Digital Maturity within Health and Social Care

    Created: 21/06/2023, Updated: 27/06/2023
    News/Events Category: General News

    Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy identified the need to fully understand the level of organisational Digital Maturity across Scotland within health and social care.

    With the aim to develop a collective understanding of current capabilities and capacity to support the utilisation of digital approaches throughout all aspects of service delivery across health and social care, an online Digital Maturity survey went live in April 2023, targeted at:

    • NHS Boards (both national and territorial)
    • Local Authorities
    • Health and Social Care Partnerships

    The Scottish Government is interested in speaking with colleagues from third and Independent social care organisations that provide commissioned services to establish whether there is an appetite for having direct access to the platform and interest in conducting organisational Digital Maturity assessments on an ongoing basis.

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