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  • SCVO - Growing Climate Confidence

    Created: 02/06/2023, Updated: 05/06/2023
    News/Events Category: General News

    Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations has launched its Scotland wide ‘Growing Climate Confidence’ resources on 30th May.

    The Growing Climate Confidence website and Net Zero Scorecard are designed to help non-environmental organisations from across the Third Sector to start taking action on the climate emergency. These resources have been developed by a wide collaboration, led by SCVO with engagement from across the TSI network.

    The launch event will take place on 14th June and a range of marketing and comms assets and suggested social media posts are available which can be shared from 30 May 2023

    Beth Mukushi from SCVO has the following to say to all third sector partners in SCotland regarding these newly released resources:

    "We would love it if you could support the campaign. It’s a positive response to the climate and nature emergencies. We’ve adapted tried and tested approaches from the third sector in the north of England and small business sector, but redesigned them for a Scottish audience. We’ve had heaps of user engagement and support from a wide range of partners including the TSI Network, Third Sector Net Zero Steering Group and Scottish Funders Forum.  The project has been funded through Scottish Government, with locally specific support from South Lanarkshire Council.

    It has been energising to have such a wide range of organisations working together and feels a little like the work we did on the Covid Information Hub back in 2020. We are planning to continue to grow and develop these resources over time as we learn more about what organisations needs, and what external pressures they have to respond to. The data from the scorecard will give useful analysis about action organisations have already taken, and where the gaps in funding and wider support sit.

    We would love to see you at the launch event on the 14th June if you can make it, and to have your support to promote the resources and event with your network. Please do check out the campaign assets – more information below.

    Please get in touch if you have initial impressions to share or would like more information."

    Growing Climate Confidence


    Scotland’s third sector have told SCOV they need support to understand the climate crisis, and how they can take action in their own organisations and with wider communities. SCVO offer support and encourage organisations to take their very first steps in reducing their carbon emissions while helping them to embed sustainability within their work.


    The climate emergency affects us all. But as organisations across the third sector try to cope with rising running costs and increasing demand on services, environmental action can too often be pushed down the road. For organisations that focus on social rather than environmental causes, it can be difficult to know where to start and what action will be most proportionate and impactful. As funders and procurement increasingly look for evidence of progress towards net-zero, some organisations are feeling lost.


    The Growing Climate Confidence website is for third sector organisations in Scotland looking for help to reduce emissions and engage their communities. Learning about climate change and net zero can be overwhelming - and SCVO have pulled together resources that are interesting, from top tips to policy reports.

    The website provides information about what the climate crisis is and actions that voluntary sector organisations can take to tackle it. Organisations can find out how to take action, search for funding, and share what they are doing to inspire others.

    The Growing Climate Confidence scorecard helps organisations to assess where they are on their net zero journey and where they can find funding and support to make changes.

    For more information, contact Beth Mukushi – SCVO
    [email protected]

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