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  • Investment opportunity launched for expansion of Scottish fashion manufacturing firm

    Created: 06/10/2022
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Scottish Communities Finance is launching a new community bond offer on 06 October to give investors the opportunity to support a successful young Scottish fashion manufacturing firm with its expansion plans.

    Anyone can be an investor with the minimum bond set at £50 and no maximum limit. The investment is for 6 years and offers a 2.5% return.

    Based in Fife, Kalopsia Collective was founded in 2012, to offer a template of designs to those in the fashion industry to choose from. Kalopsia will then make the required outfits in the materials of choice to the selected designs – working in any volume from a single item to one thousand if required.

    Kalopsia’s “Assemble” products and service is built on key principles of lean manufacturing and avoiding waste, creating value for society and providing safe and well-paid employment for textile workers. The company already services a broad range of 200 clients from students in the design industry to big brand names such as Kitty McCall, the V&A, the Royal Society for Arts and Gordon Nicolson Kiltmaker. The service is fast and efficient with the offer to access and order online through the website.

    Pauline Hinchion, managing director of Scottish Communities Finance said: ” We are delighted to be supporting this successful Scottish firm with its further expansion plans. We believe this is a great opportunity for anyone to invest in a successful concept and help to take it forwards.”

    “Our vision is to be the number one in the UK providing open and environmentally sound textiles product manufacturing services to anyone with fabric regardless of their size or skill level. We believe a sustainable industry is vital to the future of British textiles.”

    “Working alongside designers, we want to encourage made-to-order production which is more economical and less wasteful,” says Nina Falk, co-founder with Adam Robertson."

    “Our culture has always been to help clients produce products that will sell themselves – getting customers to invest in quality by making something that will be cherished, transcending trends and fleeting fashions.”

    “We reject mass-produced, poorly made ‘fast fashion’ and champion high-quality textiles that have been made with craftsmanship and skill, from concept to manufacturing here in Scotland.”

    Investments can be made here - deadline 04 December 2022.

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