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  • Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Trade Up Programme

    Created: 04/10/2022, Updated: 06/10/2022
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    The new Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Trade Up Programme! is designed to equip Scottish social entrepreneurs with the skills and networks needed to increase income from trading and gain financial resilience for a greater social and/or environmental impact. 

    The Programme is run in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund, the Scottish Government, and the School for Social Entrepreneurs.

    Key benefits:

    • Strengthen your organisation with a free learning programme: Eight days of learning between January 2023 and December 2023
    • Up to £7,000 Match Trading grant that supports your recovery from the pandemic.
    • Gain a network of peers who will help you develop your plans and act as a sounding board.

    Who should apply?

    • People leading a project or organisation with social or environmental purposes and realistic plans to increase their income through trading can apply.  
    • Your organisation should have an annual income of more than £15,000.
    • You and most of your beneficiaries must be based in Scotland.

    When and where does the programme take place?
    The programme comprises eight days of learning and four Action Learning Sets between January 2023 and December 2023.

    The aim (dependent upon Covid restrictions at the time) is to run a blended learning approach, offering a mix of online and on-site learning. The on-site learning will take place in Scotland – specific locations to be confirmed.

    There will be an access budget to support participants’ travel and accommodation where required.

    How to apply?

    Visit the website to apply. The closing date for applications is 13:00 on Friday 28 October 2022

    What now?
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