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  • Cost of Living - 5 minute survey for social enterprises

    Created: 16/09/2022
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    The cost of running a social enterprise is a very real and current challenge for our business community and the people and groups we serve. From energy costs to wages, food, transport and more, we need solutions now more than ever.  

    To help inform its conversations with the Scottish Government about the impact of the cost of living crisis on social enterprises, Social Enterprise Scotland invites social enterprises to complete this short survey to share their experiences.

    Note: If suppliers have only informed you about imminent changes you can still answer these questions. The survey should only take a few minutes. Your personal details will be kept confidential and not published anywhere.

    The deadline for applications is 18:00 on Thursday 22 September.

    Please only complete this if you are a recognised Scottish social enterprise and do get in contact if you have any questions: [email protected]

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