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  • Help families have fun in Fife this summer

    Created: 11/05/2022
    News/Events Category: Goods, Donations and Services

    Today, Fife Gingerbread launched its ‘Day2Play’ campaign. Where families can make special holiday memories right here in Fife!

    The current cost of living means that many parents are choosing between heating and eating, making day trips out of reach. 

    Adventures in the forest, days at the swing park and picnics at the beach- we all remember happy days spent right here in the Kingdom. And Fife Gingerbread has launched this campaign to enable the families it support to share special times together.

    Fife Gingerbread hopes to raise £10,000 and every penny will be spent in Fife supporting families to love, laugh and learn together this Summer. Every penny raised will be used to support families in need during the School holidays.

    A family day trip costs around £50 and a Fife Gingerbread family event costs around £450 for 12 families to participate.

    You can donate to this by visiting this JustGiving page.

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