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voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
  • Mental Health Awareness Week and Volunteering: Case study 1

    Created: 06/05/2022
    News/Events Category: FVA News

    As part of Mental Health  Awareness Week (09 - 15 May), we're showcasing the stories of some of the many volunteers that we support with volunteering. These stories explore how volunteering can help alleviate feelings of loneliness (the theme of the campaign) and poor mental health as well as its power in supporting people towards better and brighter destinations.

    Client 1: “Volunteering absolutely helped me secure a job and I would recommend it!"

    A middle-aged gentleman contacted FVA for information on volunteering and on conversing with him it emerged that he had never had a job.

    In the past, he struggled with finding his voice and confidence when applying for jobs and in turn, felt lonely, anxious, and frustrated about never finding work.

    Our Volunteering Development Officer thought volunteering would be a good stepping stone to employment for the client and helped investigated some opportunities – ones that would allow him to be supported and empowered.

    Opportunities included volunteering in museums in Fife where the client applied his great knowledge of databases and data, and while there, he helped them overhaul their systems.

    After gaining experience and growing in confidence, he started to apply for jobs and we’re delighted to say that he is now in full-time employment, working in a friendly office and is thriving.

    Looking to start volunteering? We recommend taking part in our upcoming Step into Volunteering training to get you started. To find out more about the volunteering opportunities available in Fife, please visit our website. Contact us if you would like more information on volunteering.


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