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  • The Circle Academy: Opportunity for Social Entrepreneurs

    Created: 12/01/2022
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Circle Scotland is now ready to launch the next cohort of its SQA accredited training programme, The Circle Academy

    Beginning on 21 February 2022. The Circle Academy is a practical and educational entrepreneurial training programme for individuals or organisations interested in running a ‘More Than Profit’ business. The programme is open to anyone who wants to create positive, social, or environmental change in a sustainable and commercially viable way. This is an online training programme and is open to international candidates.

     You can apply if you:

    • want your current social impact efforts to become your full-time job.
    • run a for-profit business and want to do more for your community.
    • run a not-for-profit organisation and are struggling to survive through funding alone.
    • have an idea for a way to positively impact your community but are unsure of how to execute it.
    • are an entrepreneur concerned about burnout?
    • run an existing social enterprise that is in its first three years of development.
    • run a small business that does good things, but is struggling to make ends meet.
    • have started a community project and are self-funding it.
    • run a business and want to integrate your social purpose and values into your business model. are reliant on one source of funding.
    • have no prior experience in the third sector.

    The programme has been funded by the Scottish Government to provide 40 subsidised places. You must fit one of the following criteria to be awarded a place:

    • those from or working in rural communities.
    • people whose business is in the environmental space.
    • young people under 30.

    For more information, please view this training brochure.  Applications for the next cohort can be made here.

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