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  • Help families in NE Fife celebrate this Christmas - donate to the Toy Drive today

    Created: 02/12/2021
    News/Events Category: Goods, Donations and Services

    Are you able to donate money to help purchase vouchers for families across North East Fife this Christmas?

    If yes, then please get involved with this year's toy drive.

    You can make a monetary donation to this Justgiving page to allow volunteers to purchase gift vouchers for families across North East Fife, who are in need of a little bit of extra support, to spend Christmas time.

    Last year, the Toy Drive volunteers fulfilled over 500 individual referrals for children, and thanks to your donations, they were are able to provide a £10 Amazon voucher for every child.

    The remainder of the money was then used to help more isolated families during the 2nd lockdown.

    Donate here.

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