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  • Scotland's Climate Ambition Zone: online events programme

    Created: 01/11/2021
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Join Scottish Enterprise and partners for a series of virtual events being held during the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 from 01 to 11 November 2021.

    COP26 is set to be one of the most important climate change events in our lifetime – and it’s taking place right here in Scotland. It’s an opportunity for Scotland and its companies to show the world we are leaders in sustainable and inclusive economic development. COP26 is also the perfect catalyst to inspire Scottish businesses to go further and faster towards a net-zero transition.

    Scottish Enterprises' full programme of virtual events reflects the topics being discussed at COP26. The events cover a range of key issues including green skills, decarbonising heat, the circular economy and the critical role businesses have to play in a net-zero future.

    View the events programme and register now to attend. Find out more about the net zero opportunities and discover how your business can be part of Scotland’s journey towards a green and sustainable future.

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