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  • Social Enterpise Scotland - FREE webinar bootcamp sessions - #BuySocialScotland

    Created: 14/07/2021
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Five free webinar sessions on supply chain opportunities

    Book your free tickets for the new Buy Social Scotland bootcamp sessions - 19 - 23 July 2021. They will be joined by expert speakers and practitioners to discuss a range of topics around social impact procurement.

    Session 1 - Opportunities for Social Enterprise, with BASE and Haven PTS

    Session 2 - Pitching and Proposals, with Supplier Development Programme Scotland and Wildhearts Group

    Session 3 - Policy and Public Sector Procurement, with NHS Procurement, Partnership for Procurement (P4P), and Scotland Excel.

    Session 4 - Private Sector Engagement, with Glencraft, Morrison Construction, and Social Enterprise UK.

    Session 5 - Interactive Training Workshop, with Mora Consulting

    Everyone is welcome to join one or several sessions of the Bootcamp, so please do share the word with colleagues and social enterprise peers or on social media with the hashtag #BuySocialScotland.
    This series of workshops is organised as part of their Corporate Challenge to support businesses from the private, public and third sector to purchase more goods and services from social enterprises.
    Backed by the Scottish Government, the scheme will see £1 million spent with social enterprises in the initial phase of the programme and the launch of a new website directory that will make it easier to find social enterprise suppliers across Scotland.

    For more information, please contact Naomi Johnson via e-mail: [email protected].

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