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  • Share your views on social enterprise procurement

    Created: 17/05/2021
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Social Enterprise Scotland has commissioned independent research to inform social enterprise development and procurement practice across the private, public and third sector.  It is running a survey to acquire this information and it only takes approximately ten minutes.

    This work is part of the launch of SES's Corporate Challenge to support businesses from the private, public and third sector to purchase more goods and services from social enterprises. Backed by the Scottish Government, the scheme will see £1 million spent with social enterprises in the initial phase of the programme and the launch a new website directory to make it easier to find social enterprise suppliers across Scotland.

    This survey is being run by Scotinform Ltd, an independent research company. Your details will not be shared with third parties and storage procedures are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Legislation. If you would like to hear more about this and how your data is stored please see Scotinform's Privacy Policy or contact Scotinform's Data Processing Officer Sheena Muncie on [email protected]

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