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  • Kingdom FM Action Week - Fifers encouraged to tell their COVID stories

    Created: 12/05/2021, Updated: 13/05/2021
    News/Events Category: FVA News

    Key figures within Fife’s voluntary and public sector will appear on Kingdom FM Action Week next week to encourage Fifers to share their experiences of living through COVID-19.

    Tim Kendrick (Fife Council), Dave McGrath (Fife Voluntary Action), Kenny Murphy (Fife Voluntary Action), Nina Munday (Fife Centre for Equalities) and Ninian Stuart (Third Sector Strategy Group) will take to the radio to ask Fife residents to share their stories of how the pandemic impacted them, and their community, and to ask what they think needs to change in the delivery of future services in Fife.

    ‘Your story, Your community’ is an online survey, developed by Fife Partnership, that collates Fifers' experiences of the pandemic so that, as part of Fife’s COVID-19 recovery, voluntary and public sector partners can design better and fairer services that are informed by the real-life experiences of local individuals and communities.

    Snippets of stories the survey has collected so far include:

     “Most people have found the lack of companionship difficult, in spite of using technology….. Come the winter months, isolation and very little companionship had become more of a burden, particularly for those living alone.”

    “Our local community response was more than I expected - the local community trust very quickly collated a number of local resources, services, and voluntary help was available. It was a fuller response than I expected…”

    “Local community councils, along with Rotarians and other sponsors, have been key to maintaining Fife’s local wellbeing. But a key weakness seems to have been that resilience plans were evolved for acute events, like floods and power outages, and not a chronic event like a pandemic.”

    Tune into Kingdom FM 95.2 and 96.1 next week (week beginning 17 May 2021) to hear from these key figures on the project. To tell your own story, please visit - the survey closes on 28 May 2021.

    Fife Council recently interviewed several volunteers from Collydean Community Centre on their experiences of living through COVID-19 and asked them why they think others should share their own story:


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