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  • FVA is supporting CCPS's Family Support campaign

    Created: 12/04/2021
    News/Events Category: FVA News

    Fife Voluntary Action is supporting CCPS's Family Support campaign, which will take place on Monday 26 April 2021.

    #FamiliesHaveARightToSupport campaign advocates the radical expansion and enhancement of the support available to families to ensure they get the support needed to recover from the pandemic. 

    Supporting families involves working alongside them to build on their strengths and develop the tools, strategies, and skills needed to create a safe and loving family environment. Family support should be available when, where and for as long as each family needs it. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the pandemic and the resulting lockdowns, many families have told us are under immense stress and strain, some for the first time. This additional demand for help and support has placed great strain on Scotland’s current family support infrastructure and resources.

    Find out more about this campaign here.

    Third sector organisations can sign this statement, which urges action to repair and recover from the trauma of COVID-19, to signal their support for this campaign. To sign this statement, please send a copy of your organisation's logo to [email protected] by Tuesday 13 April.

    We encourage any other third sector organisations - those who are invested in the expansion and enhancement of family support - to get involved in the campaign by telling stories on social media (using the hashtag #FamiliesHaveARightToSupport) about how families have been affected and how the third sector has made a difference. If you don’t have Twitter, you will be able to support via other activities. More info will be available soon on CCPS website.

    Other ways to get involved:

    • build the key messages into your own planned election messages and activities between now and early May;
    • consider how you can use your existing resources, contacts and media channels to highlight why it is so urgent to invest in family support;
    • ask your local candidate what action they plan to take to develop our vision for national universal family support;
    • make links with your own priority agendas, including gender, race, poverty, etc., in recognition of the intersectional nature of family support; and
    • pass this on to your local members and encourage them to support if appropriate.

    Depending on your capacity, you can choose to do as little/much as you want. No obligation at all.

    As to common languages, you may want to use the following key messages:

    1) We all ask for a transformation of Scotland’s investment in children and families, shifting spending from dealing with the consequences of failure and inequality to preventing these and enabling children and families to thrive, in line with recommendations of the independent care review  ‘The Promise’

    2) Early and continuing help and support should be a right to families available along the same lines as with other everyday public services, like schools, health visitors or GPs. 

    3) This support must be locally available in every community allowing every family in the way they want, where they want, and for as long as they want.

    4) This will require a fundamental redesign of existing structures and services, as well as a commitment to new resource, on a scale sufficient to deliver an accessible, universal, flexible offer of support regardless of where a family may live in Scotland.

    5) We will need national leadership, but families and communities must play a central role in what that help and support looks like on the ground. The third sector are key to building the bridge between national vision and families and communities.

    6) We believe, this change can be achieved during the next Parliament, i.e., by 2026. We call on all parties to come together with us to agree the vision and commit to delivering transformative change for our communities to meet the challenge of Covid recovery.

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