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  • Mental Health Forum (December 2021)

    Created: 02/04/2021, Updated: 02/12/2021
    News/Events Category: Partnerships, Networks and Forums

    Book a place at December's Mental Health Forum, which will take place from 10:00 - 11:30 on Thursday 09 December 2021.

    At this Forum, we'll hear from Rona Laskowski (Head of Complex and Critical Care Services, Fife Health and Social Care Partnership) on her views and vision of taking the Fife Mental Health Strategy forward; Jo Finlay (Senior Researcher at The Mental Health Foundation) and Maeve Grindall (Project Officer at See Me Scotland) on the newly launched Scottish Stigma Survey and the national work occurring to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination; the Lived Experience Team on their journey so far; and PC Kinga Miskiewicz (Local Authority Liaison and Community Partnerships, Police Scotland) on the community safety training offered to organisation.

    Our Forum is a fantastic space for third sector colleagues working in health and social care to come along and hear about key developments in mental health and wellbeing in Fife and nationally, discuss significant issues and network with other third sector organisations.

    Membership of the Forum is open to all staff and trustees with constituted third sector organisations operating in the Fife area in the field of health and social care (i.e. it's not just for organisations that focus entirely on mental health).

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