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  • Scotland’s Social Enterprise Action Plan: 2021-2024

    Created: 30/03/2021, Updated: 21/04/2021
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    This 3-year Action Plan reasserts the Scottish Government’s long-term vision of social enterprise at the forefront of a new wave of ethical and socially responsible business in Scotland; far-reaching and becoming central to the way that Scotland chooses to do business.

    The plan sets out how the Government will take action over the next three years to:

    • Work across government, and with national agencies, to create the conditions, opportunities and investment necessary for social enterprises to fully realise their potential.
    • Develop the national ecosystem of support for social enterprises, ensuring that it remains fit-for-purpose and world-leading.
    • Work closely with sector partners to support the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis whilst also looking to raise ambitions, grow capacity, spur innovation, and ensure the sector is ready to seize opportunities.
    • Develop a third sector equalities baseline to ensure that all activity supported by the Third Sector Unit is calibrated to tackling the barriers faced by people with protected characteristics. With a focus on social enterprise as the first action area.

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