voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Children‘s Services Review Workshop
Created: 15/08/2019, Updated: 09/09/2019For funded organisations that are part of the review of children's services as well as any other organisation that attends the Voluntary Sector Children's Services Forum or that delivers services for children and young people in Fife.
The session will be an opportunity for those leading the review to provide an update and for attendees to engage in some dialogue that will feed directly into the review.
There are two places per organisation and we recommend a senior staff member and a board member attends. Please note that there is no visitor car parking at our Kirkcaldy office. There is only disabled parking at this office with parking available at at the nearby train station.
Click here to see a brief summary note of the first workshop, held on 23 June.
Please contact us if you'd like to find out more.