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  • Social Enterprise Awards Scotland 2018

    Created: 07/11/2018
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    The Social Enterprise Awards Scotland were held on Tuesday evening (6th November). Sadly, no home-grown Fife organisations were represented- nonetheless, the awards showcased the incredible work being done by social enterprises throughout the nation over the last year.

    Social enterprises are businesses with a conscience. They look to make a profit like any other business, but those profits are directed towards their social goals. They also have transparent governance, so that everyone can be sure that they're operating in a moral and ethical way. While there's no legal definition of a social enterprise, and so it can be difficult to pin down a precise figure, we know that there are dozens operating across Fife- credit unions, housing associations, development trusts, nurseries, cooperatives, and many more.

    Social enterprises often target important, but neglected issues, aiming to create a society fairer for all. Tuesday's winners are a testament to that:

    Environmental Social Enterprise: Point and Sandwick Trust
    A charity that converts the profits generated by a community wind farm on the Isle of Lewis into funding for sustainable community projects.

    One to Watch: Caledonia Cremation
    A Glasgow-based socially enterprising funeral director that gives access to simple, but flexible and dignified, funerals to everyone, regardless of wealth.

    Social Impact: GTS Solutions
    An Edinburgh firm, offering private security to the highest standards- keeping events in the capital and beyond safe and accessible, and providing access to employment in the security industry to young people struggling to get started.

    Social Enterprise of the Year: CCI Scotland
    Based in Glasgow, CCI Scotland delivers person-centred programmes to individuals with a range of support needs, while also operating a professional construction company working on a range of landscaping/civil projects.

    Congratulations to all of the winners!

    If you've been inspired to get socially enterprising, or you have an idea that you think might suit the social enterprising model, we can help! Our team can help you bring your idea to fruition, with guidance on governance, initial funding, business planning, employment of staff, engagement of volunteers, cyber resilience, and much more. Contact Helen Rorrison in the first instance.

    For more information about the Social Enterprise Awards Scotland, and this year's winners, click here.

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