supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Apply for a grant

  • Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing (adults)

    Opened: Monday 15 November 2021
    Closed: Wednesday 19 January 2022
    Sorry: You cannot start an application for this particular grant, the deadline for applications was 893 days ago.

    This grants programme is available thanks to Scottish Government.

This page was last updated on 08 October 2023.
Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page

This grant is being managed in partnership:
Fife Voluntary Action logo
And funded by The Scottish Government


Starting an application

We recommend that the key contact for grants in your organisation is the person who starts the application. It is important to note that allowing colleagues to see and amend your grant application is very easy to do with the link that you will be sent by e-mail. Once you have this link, you can re-open your grant application at any time and review it or add to it.

Need help?

We're here to help organisations to make the most of the grants programmes that we manage - we want to help you to access the funds, manage them and report on the difference it has made. If you've got a grant from us, there are terms and conditions about keeping in touch with us and seeking our help if you're not too sure about anything.

If you're in the process of applying (or thinking about applying) then we're here to help answer questions and can help you with the completion of your funding application. Call us on 0800 389 6046 during business hours or e-mail the appropriate team directly using [email protected]

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