supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Volunteering Opportunity Details

  • Triage Volunteer - Central Fife
    with Citizens Advice and Rights Fife

    Volunteer Opportunity No. VO87687 - Created/last updated: 15/08/2024


    About this opportunity:Triage Volunteers are the first contact for clients seeking help for a variety of issues. They identify key information about the client's issues and assess and agree whether signposting or a call back is the best route to support the clients and deal with the issues.

    Main Tasks include:

    -Assess clients enquiries using sensitive listening and questioning skills
    -Identify key information about the enquiry including time limits, key dates and any requirement for urgent advice or action, using scripts and diagnostic tools
    -Identify and summarise the essence of the enquiry
    -Establish the client's objectives
    -Record cases - make an electronic record of the client's details, in accordance with CASTLE recording requirements and CARF's Quality Assurance Policy
    -Keep up-to-date with advice and organisational updates by reading AdviserNet news items, relevant publications, internal email communication, intranet articles and online training

    This is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. Volunteers will be provided with training and support. For a full list of tasks and to find out more please enquire with the Learning and Development officer.

    Takes place:
    Minimum age:16
    Maximum age:100
    Training provided:Induction training and policies relevant to the role Triage Volunteers will complete an appropriate amount of the Adviser Training Programme (ATP) Training will be provided on the Triaging and relevant system software Training will be offered internally to maintain competence or for development opportunities Support is provided by the Bureau Co-ordinator during volunteering sessions and through Quality of Advice feedback A Volunteer Progress Review is held on an annual basis with supervision and support meetings held in accordance with the Volunteer Support policy Additional support may be provided by the Frontline Co-ordinator and/or the Learning and Development Officer
    Out of pocket expenses paid?
    Yes - We pay public transport rates and reimburse volunteers every month. Our mileage rate is 40p per mile for car users.

    Experience required:Able to communicate clearly both orally and in writing Able to quickly sift through information and extract what is relevant Be open and approachable Open-minded and non-judgemental Adhere to General Data Protection Regulations 2018 Flexibility and willingness to work as part of a team Have competent and confident IT skills

    Restrictions on who can volunteer
    No restrictions were specified.

    Application process:Application Form; Induction/Training; Informal Chat; Interview; References

    Taster available?No, not for this opportunity.

    Travel DetailsGlenrothes KY6 2DA, Kirkcaldy KY1 1XT,

    Saltire AwardThis opportunity is compatible with the Saltire Awards for volunteers aged 12-25.

    What Now?

    To enquire/register an interest in this opportunity call us (FVA) on 0800 389 6046, e-mail us, or fill out this form:

    Please tell us what age group you are in:
    Are you looking to improve your employability prospects by volunteering?    

      You can print these opportunity details.

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Other Opportunities

Here are some shortcuts to other, similar opportunities:

Citizens Advice and Rights Fife has the following, additional volunteering opportunities:
  - Triage Volunteer - West Fife
  - Triage Volunteer -East Fife

Type of volunteering: Advice / Information giving
Opportunities which benefit Human / Civil rights/ Justice

Go to main volunteering opportunities page

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Call us to arrange an appointment
Give us a call on 0800 389 6046 to arrange an appointment to chat with our staff about what opportunities are available. Meetings can be arranged outside of the office in some cases.

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