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voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Volunteering Opportunity Details

  • Garden Assistant
    with Kellie Castle, National Trust for Scotland

    Volunteer Opportunity No. VO101982 - Created/last updated: 06/01/2025


    About this opportunity:The National Trust for Scotland is looking for volunteer gardeners to help maintain its organic walled garden, the first and only organic garden within the Trust, as well as supporting its plants and produce sales. From planting, pruning, seed sowing, weeding, and harvesting, you'll be an important part of the team that keeps the garden and estate thriving, providing a place of beauty and tranquillity for all visitors.

    This role provides a fabulous opportunity to engage with visitors, share your love of horticulture, and promote the National Trust for Scotland, an independent charity that speaks up for Scotland's heritage, cares for historic properties, and protects our natural landscapes and the wildlife that call them home.

    Takes place:
    Minimum age:16
    Maximum age:100
    Training provided:Generally, you will be working with a small team of other volunteers and garden staff at the National Trust for Scotland. The Trust will provide an induction and training about the garden and your role, as well as all necessary tools, PPE, and safety information. Your Volunteer Manager will support you and help you to keep learning while you volunteer, offering further training opportunities and free access to all the courses in the Trust's online e-learning system.
    Out of pocket expenses paid?
    Yes - The Trust can reimburse travel expenses & fuel costs (45p per mile). These can be easily claimed back through the online system.

    Experience required:With guidance from skilled gardeners, you don't need to have expert knowledge about horticulture. All you need is an interest in being part of a team working to keep the garden looking magnificent all year round, a willingness to work independently or as part of a team in the unpredictable Scottish weather, and an enthusiasm for organic gardening and the work of the National Trust for Scotland.

    Restrictions on who can volunteer
    People under 16 are welcome to volunteer with the NTS but need parental consent and not all roles will be suitable as supervision will be required. Please email directly to discuss options if this applies to you

    Application process:Application Form; Induction/Training; Informal Chat

    Taster available?No, not for this opportunity.

    Travel DetailsAll opportunities are based on the property. The property is not on public transport routes but has car parking available, including accesible parking at castle, and bike racks. Nearest public transport stop is Pittenweem. A Flexibus from local villages is available by pre-booking on 01382 540624 or the Flexibus App - '˜FLEXIBUS 2.0'

    Saltire AwardThis opportunity is compatible with the Saltire Awards for volunteers aged 12-25.

    What Now?

    To enquire/register an interest in this opportunity call us (FVA) on 0800 389 6046, e-mail us, or fill out this form:

    Please tell us what age group you are in:
    Are you looking to improve your employability prospects by volunteering?    

      You can print these opportunity details.

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Other Opportunities

Here are some shortcuts to other, similar opportunities:

Kellie Castle, National Trust for Scotland has the following, additional volunteering opportunities:
  - Room Guide
  - Tearoom Assistant
  - Retail and Admissions Assistant

Type of volunteering: Conservation / Gardening
Opportunities which benefit Museums / galleries / heritage

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