supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Services Overview

  • Fife Voluntary Action promotes and supports local community and voluntary action. If you are involved with a charity, community group, social enterprise or voluntary organisation, or are looking to get involved in your local community, then we offer a range of support services of interest to you. Almost all of our services are free of charge.

    Whether you are new to volunteering or not, young, old or have support needs we can help you to make the most of volunteering and have fun at the same time! We can help with:
    • Finding an opportunity
    • Improving your CV
    • Meeting new people and learning new skills
    • Managing risks, PVG and criminal record checking
    • Recognising and rewarding volunteering

    Legal Support - Constitutions, Charity Law, Company Law, Employment Law etc.
    We provide support to existing charities, organisations interested in becoming charities and any voluntary organisation or social enterprise on legal issues. We can help with:
    • Understanding the legislation and regulations
    • New applications for charity status, SCIOs, trading companies and more
    • Choosing the best legal status and governance arrangements
    • Getting your accounts right
    • Recruiting staff, contracts, policies, grievances, discipline, redundancies and so forth

    If you want to start-up a new group, either in your neighbourhood or for people with a shared interest or concern, we can help. We give advice and practical help with:
    • Constitutions
    • Steering groups
    • Committees/Boards
    • Basic book keeping
    • Business planning

    If you're looking for help with book keeping or dealing with finances, we can help. We offer financial services and advice on:
    • Payroll
    • Book keeping
    • Preparation of accounts
    • Independent Examination of accounts

    We provide advice on fundraising for all types of organisations, large and small. We can provide:
    • Information on funders
    • Application support
    • Fundraising tips

    We offer a wide range of training opportunities to committee members, staff and volunteers of Community Groups and Third Sector Organisations operating in Fife. The range includes:
    • Finance
    • Health and Safety
    • Organisational Development
    •Personal Development
    Visit our training page to see what's currently on offer or contact Helen Rorrison.

    Evidencing and Measuring Outcomes/Quality Assurance
    We also provide training and support on a range of quality frameworks (including EFQM, PQASSO, Investing in Volunteers, and Volunteer Friendly), setting and measuring outcomes and reporting to stakeholders. Increasingly, funders are looking for improved evidence on achievement of outcomes and we have extensive experience and expertise in helping organisations to do that.

    Computers & Technology
    We can provide support to organisations on a range of issues including:
    • Databases
    • Websites
    • Buying software and equipment
    • Managing risk

    We also work with the Digital Fife project which provides free websites to community groups.

    Other help
    We provide other, tailored services to meet the needs of individual groups. Give us a call and if we can't help we'll know someone who can!

This page was last updated on 09 April 2018.
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