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  • Comic Relief - Every Step of the Way: Safe & Supported Beyond Homelessness

    Created: 07/01/2025
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    This funding opportunity aims to support organisations that work to empower young people who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing homelessness to access the right support at the right time.

    Core funding is available for organisations which do both of the following:

    • Specialise in the provision of holistic support to young people aged 16-25 in the UK, who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Support services should be tailored, inclusive and accessible, to remove barriers and better meet the multiple and diverse needs of young people at immediate risk of or experiencing homelessness. This work could be delivered by the applicant alone or in partnership.
    • Meaningfully involve young people with lived experience of homelessness, or who have been at risk of homelessness. This should include involving young people in the development of the organisation’s work and priority areas, and/or in the running of the organisation.

    Flexible, core funding is designed to support the good work of organisations, and not just projects. This could mean core funding of the organisation’s annual budget to continue its good work, or funding to expand the work, or to add something new that amplifies the work or its results.

    Who can apply

    Organisations that specialise in providing holistic support to young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Organisations must meet Comic Relief’s general eligibility criteria.

    Proposals can be made by single applicants, or by partnerships of two or three organisations that will receive funding (but only one organisation can act as grant holder).

    Minimum annual income: £250,000

    Maximum annual income: £10,000,000

    How to apply

    Read the fund guidance and complete the online eligibility questionnaire on the Comic Relief website.

    The closing date for applications is 3.00pm on Tuesday 07 May 2025.

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