voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Cemvo - Diversity Data Collection & Analysis Toolkit
Created: 01/10/2024Data is key for organisations wishing to take meaningful EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) action but can often be challenging to collect. A variety of reasons exist for this including apathy, concerns over lack of anonymity and historical mistrust. The onus is on an organisation to build trust and create a safe environment where volunteers and employees feel comfortable enough to share their sensitive information.
Cemvo has released a toolkit designed to provide a four-fold step-by-step guide of good practice when collecting and analysing diversity data in an organisational setting. It is aimed at organisations, both public and third sector, wishing to improve their data collection and analysis processes to take meaningful equality diversity and inclusion (‘EDI’) and anti-racist action.
Click here to view the toolkit.