voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Fife International Forum’s Pre-Academy Programme
Created: 26/09/2024Fife International Forum (FIF)’s Pre-Academy Programme is an employability programme aiming to empower individuals to develop the foundation skills employers are looking for.
The Academy operates two days per week for six weeks and is delivered in a classroom-style, focussing on determination, confidence building, resilience, emotional stability, abilities, knowledge, and skills.
The workshops also focus on what is expected from employees in terms of teamwork, self-management, communication, prioritising, respect, reliability, and more.
The participants also attend tailored person-centred activities on other days that they are not attending the workshops. This could include coaching and ESOL (English as Second Language) classes. After six weeks of workshops, the participants will move on to four weeks of work placement and will continue to receive support from FIF staff and volunteers during this journey.
How to Refer
FIF is currently recruiting for the 9th cohort due to start in October 2024 and is hoping to run workshops in the Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy areas.
Registrations are open and FIF are looking for referrals from all areas.
If you or anyone you know is interested to register, please contact by phone01592 642927 or by e-mail: [email protected].