voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
UWS-Oxfam Partnership
Created: 26/08/2024Oxfam Scotland and the University of the West of Scotland have worked together since 2011 within the UWS-Oxfam Partnership. The Partnership is guided by a shared vision for a more equitable, sustainable, and socially just Scotland.
This Funding Call seeks to place civil society organisations (CSO) or community groups working directly with communities that are marginalised or under-represented in decision-making in Scotland at the heart of the work.
The partnership is interested in receiving proposals that address one or both of the following broad themes:
The Funding Call will bring the CSO or community group together with UWS academic(s) to develop, shape, and deliver research. The CSO or community group will identify a research topic. These will then be matched with a UWS academic based on their expertise and interest. Where possible, the CSO or community group and academics will then be involved in designing and delivering the research with, ideally, individuals from marginalised communities directly participating in the research.
Fund award sizes
Maximum: £10,000
Notes on award amounts: The Partnership will fund one project with up to £10,000
Who can apply
Organisations working with marginalised communities that are interested in working with a researcher to understand an issue or policy area, and would benefit from academic support
How to apply
Application details, including the expression of interest form, are available here: https://www.uws.ac.uk/research/research-institutes-centres-groups/uws-oxfam-partnership/
The closing date for expressions of interest is 5.00pm on Monday 30 September 2024.