voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Enable Works - Next Steps - Employability Course for 16 - 24 year olds - Dunfermline
Created: 08/07/2024Enable Works supports individuals with a disability, health condition, learning difficulty or mental health issue, to upskill and find a positive destination through employability programmes with one to one tailored support. Conditions do not need to be diagnosed and support is available anyone who feels they have a physical or mental barrier to employment.
Next Steps, hosted by Enable Works, is a 10-week employability course, designed to equip young people with the skills and knowledge to enter and sustain in the world of work. Enable Works will deliver the SQA employability Award at Level 4, as well as a money management workshop and alcohol awareness training. A workplace visit is organised for participants and all attendee’s receive one to one support to find a positive destination.
Location: Dunfermline (TBC)
Date/s: August (TBC)
Qualification: Employability Award Level 4
Eligibility: !6-24 years old, not in work or education
For more information contact Ashley Nicholson - [email protected]