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  • Fife Rape & Sexual Assault Centre - Prevention Trauma Practitioner

    Created: 21/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Job Vacancies

    Post: Prevention Trauma Practitioner

    Hours: 21 per week 

    Hours of work: Tuesday to Thursday 9.00am-3.30pm and Friday 8.30-11.30am

    Salary: £29,120 pro rata

    Location: Kirkcaldy 

    A highly motivated and energetic individual is required to deliver Prevention Workshops to groups of young people throughout Fife. Experience of presenting in a group environment is essential.

    The aim of this post is to deliver the Rape Crisis Scotland Prevention workshops to young people within educational settings.

    The post holder will take an approach informed by an understanding of trauma, including complex trauma.

    Apply here. 

    The closing date for applications for is Sunday 10 December 2023. Shortlisted candidates will be informed by Wednesday 13 December and interviews will take place on Wednesday 20 December. 

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