voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference Level 2 (Dec 2023)
Created: 16/10/2023A Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (or MARAC) is a meeting that is held to discuss the most high-risk cases of domestic abuse and sexual violence, to share information and to safety plan to safeguard a victim.
The MARAC will specifically address the safeguarding needs of the adult victim but will also take into consideration any children or unborn babies. It brings together agencies who may be working with an individual but by sharing information between them, a much more informed risk assessment and safeguarding action plan can be put in place (a Risk Management Plan or RMP).
Professionals who attend may include those from police, social work, health, housing, and Women’s Aid. Other organisations may also be invited to attend where relevant. Whatever service/organisation you work in, you will be in contact with victims of domestic abuse.
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