supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Funding and Finance

  • Financial sustainability is a perpetual challenge for most organisations in the third sector. In a climate of reducing public sector budgets, reducing donations, increasing costs and increasing competition for funding the risks are greater than ever. FVA works with organisations and partners to try and improve sustainability - from direct support to organisations around financial management (book-keeping, payroll, independent examinations, training and advice), funding applications and generating income through to working with public sector partners and funders to create the opportunities for organisations to secure financial resources.

    We're here to help - and can offer:
    • help to identify sources of funding;
    • support with completing funding applications/tenders (including help with identifying need, setting outcomes and outputs, monitoring and reporting);
    • funding information, workshops and surgeries;
    • experience in terms of what funders and commissioners are looking for;
    • practical support on financial management such as book-keeping, independent examinations and payroll provision;
    • advice and support on any finance or funding related issue.

    We also work closely with Fife Council's Community Investment Team and organise joint events and publications to help local organisations to access funds. We also work closely with BRAG Enterprises to help organisations with business planning where trading will be a significant element of their business model.

    Click here to access SCVO's database of funders or here for news of the latest funding opportunities.
This page was last updated on 01 December 2016.
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