supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Organisation Details

  • Friends of Pittencrieff Park

    Created/last updated: 29/09/2023  

    Aims and objectiveswe meet once a week on a Monday morning 10-1200 to carry out a variety of garden related tasks. These include outdoor physical tasks such as weeding, planting and pruning. Also indoor tasks such as sowing seeds,potting on plants and watering in the glasshouse. We have a social hour afterwards with tea and biscuits. There are also admin type roles, we run monthly workshops for the volunteers and the public so help is welcome to organise these. We plan and carry out projects to enhance the park in conjunction with the other stakeholders. We hold plant sales to fundraise.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Sport / Leisure / Recreation

    Addressc/o fife council,
    rear of glasshouses,
    Pittencrieff Park
    KY12 8QH
    E-mail[email protected]
    FacebookWe don't have a Facebook link for this organisation
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Area coveredKingdom of Fife - all communities
    Registered Charity?SC037721

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Friends of Pittencrieff Park is currently looking to recruit volunteers for the following opportunities:
  - Treasurer
  - Garden and Glasshouse Volunteers

Keeping up to date

If you think our information on Friends of Pittencrieff Park is out of date then please let us know: simply e-mail us to tell us what we've got wrong or how we should update our record on this particular organisation.

Or, if this is your organisation please spend a few minutes completing this online form or completing this PDF form. For more information or if you'd like any support to do this please contact Michael. Thank you.

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For more information or if you'd like any support to register please contact Michael. Thank you.