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Organisation Details

  • Enigma Gymnastics

    Created/last updated: 28/04/2023  

    Aims and objectivesThe club's vision is to help build a proud local community where people can thrive in sport and in life. As a local charity we provide opportunities for participation and learning in gymnastics and other community-based activities in the Levenmouth area. We encourage family engagement, a positive attitude, and promote life-long involvement in sport to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our community. Since returning after the enforced break due to the pandemic, we now provide 4 gymnastics classes per week. We aim to develop gymnastic skills within our provided sessions at an affordable rate offering opportunity to participate in the sport of gymnastics within an area of regeneration. General, Disability, Women's Artistic, Acrobatic and Trampoline gymnastics are offered. Enigma GC provides opportunities for approximately 110 gymnasts and 23 volunteers. Open to girls and boys. Opportunities are given for young people from 4 to 18 years to develop programmes for children with disabilities through a referral-based programme from Disability Sport Fife.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Sport / Leisure / Recreation

    AddressLevenmouth Academy PE Annexe Methilhaven Road
    KY8 1EA
    WebsiteWe don't have a website address for this organisation
    E-mail[email protected]
    FacebookWe don't have a Facebook link for this organisation
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?SC047831

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Enigma Gymnastics is currently looking to recruit volunteers for the following opportunities:
  - Equipment Assistant

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