supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Organisation Details

  • Caring for Cupar

    Created/last updated: 28/04/2023  

    Aims and objectivesCaring for Cupar is an independent fundraising organisation with a shop at 54 Crossgate, Cupar, raising funds for the community to promote health, wellbeing and recreation! We have a selection of quality clothing including designer wear, books, bric-a-brac and children''s toys. One thing is for certain; our shop has something for everyone. To compliment the funds we raise in store, we also organise numerous events throughout the year to give something for the whole community to enjoy - Spring Fashion Show, Christmas Market and Ice Rink. Our events are becoming more ambitious each year, getting bigger and better. We welcome donations of all kinds including electrical goods

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Charity Shop

    Address54 Crossgate,
    Cupar KY15 5HS
    KY15 5HS
    E-mail[email protected]
    FacebookWe don't have a Facebook link for this organisation
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Telephone01334 656055
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?No, not according to our records.

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