supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Organisation Details

  • That Place in the Bay

    Created/last updated: 05/04/2024  

    Aims and objectivesAt That Place in the Bay, we are all about our community! We use arts and crafts as a way of relaxing, having some quality time, with friends and family or even meet new friends, improving social and mental wellbeing, learn new skills, have a cuppa and a tasty treat! We've created a friendly welcoming place where everyone is welcome. We are fully accessible for all abilities and guide dogs are welcome. Meet your friends here - take part in our range of sessions - there is something for everyone - learn new skills - or even take part in a scrabble challenge? Why not check out our thousands of books for sale! We've a friendly versatile room that can be used by a variety of different groups - does your group need a space to meet? A place for a birthday party? Work meeting out of the office - refreshments can be supplied! Do you have an idea for a class you would like us to do? If so, get in touch.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Community Engagement
    Community Event
    Community Facilities
    Lunch Clubs / Day Centres
    Sport / Leisure / Recreation

    Address10A Ridge Way
    KY11 9JN
    E-mail[email protected]
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?SC051794

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