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Organisation Details

  • St Andrews Preservation Trust Ltd

    Created/last updated: 08/02/2023  

    Aims and objectivesThe St Andrews Preservation Trust was founded in 1937 by a small group of like-minded individuals, with the object of protecting the Town''s architectural heritage and historic character. We endeavour to achieve this through: Environment - to enhance the appearance and amenity of St Andrews and its surrounds through encouraging improvements to buildings, street furniture, plantings etc. The Trust has fervently supported the Green Belt around St Andrews, which it considers essential to protect not only the Town''s unique character but also its landscape setting. Planning - to ensure that any development is in keeping with the character and landscape setting of St Andrews and that the appropriate planning policies are in place. Our Museum & Garden - to conserve the heritage of St Andrews, especially its social history, and to ensure that this is communicated to people of all ages and backgrounds through the Trust''s collection of records, artefacts, talks and publications.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Arts & Culture

    Address12 North Street
    St Andrews
    KY16 9PW
    E-mail[email protected]
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Telephone01334 477 629
    Area covered
    Registered Charity?SC011782

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