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Organisation Details

  • Fife Private Rental Solutions

    Created/last updated: 05/06/2024  

    Aims and objectivesFife Private Rental Solutions (FPRS) is Fife''s Private Rented Sector Hub and Ethical Letting Agent provide advice and assistance to anyone interested in the private rented sector as a housing option. They can also assist people who are already private rental tenants if they are encountering issues in their tenancy. FPRS''s aim is to help sustain accommodation in the private sector, in turn preventing homelessness for these tenants. If you are considering the private rented sector, staff will look at affordability and may be able to help maximise your income, allowing you to consider all your options for housing; they can advise how to go about a property search; the requirements of a private rental tenancy; and help you to source the funds to obtain a property. FPRS now offer two deposit assistance schemes, where a tenant can access a loan to pay their deposits. If you are already renting in the private rented sector and are experiencing difficulties, the FPRS team are there to help. They will work with you, your landlord, and letting agent to resolve any rent or other tenancy related issue; working together to help sustain your tenancy. FPRS can also assist private sector landlords with issues they are having with their private rented properties.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Housing / Homelessness

    Addressc/o The Cairn Centre 83-85 Dunnikier Road
    KY7 2QW
    E-mail[email protected]
    FacebookWe don't have a Facebook link for this organisation
    TwitterWe don't have Twitter details for this organisation
    Telephone01592 201849
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?No, not according to our records.

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