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Organisation Details

  • Starcatchers Productions Ltd

    Created/last updated: 08/02/2023  

    Aims and objectivesStarcatchers is Scotland''s National Arts and Early Years organisation specialising in creating performances and exploring creative activity for babies, toddlers and young children aged 0-5 and the adults who care for them. Starcatchers believes in the transformational power of the arts to inspire Scotland''s youngest children and the people who care for them through creativity, performances and engagement projects. What began as an experiment in Muirhouse in October 2006 exploring performances for babies aged 0-3, an audience previously uncatered for, has gone through many different phases to emerge as an organisation that works in communities across Scotland using the arts to transform and enrich the lives of Scotland''s under 5s. In 2006, people questioned what the point of theatre and creativity for babies was, today people question why there isn''t more. Our vision is delivered through three pillars of activity all rooted in creativity, designed to connect with babies, toddlers, young children, parents, carers and Early Years practitioners in communities across Scotland.

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Family Support
    Women's Issues
    Single Parent Issues
    Arts & Culture

    AddressG6 Hope Park Church
    EH9 1PL
    E-mail[email protected]
    Telephone0131 290 2560
    Area covered
    Registered Charity?SC042222

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