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Organisation Details

  • Growing Auchmuty

    Created/last updated: 08/02/2023  

    Aims and objectivesGrowing Auchmuty is a project funded by the Big Lottery through SAMH for 3 years (2018-21). It seeks to develop community in the area of Auchmuty through gardening projects and other forms of interaction with the natural environment. After 2 years of project building a Community Garden has been landscaped and planted, a polytunnel fully set up, an orchard planted and an office space almost built. However, Growing Auchmuty needs to become a self-sustained local facility, rather than a Big Lottery funded project with paid staff. Operations will now be re-arranged so as to help it emerge as an independent charitable organisation, whilst at the same time ensuring it meets its original outcomes. The funding comes to an end in September 2021; we have 9 months to ensure Growing Auchmuty can thrive and keep working to make the local area a connected and positive environment to live in. Focuses will be: -Developing a plant nursery in the polytunnel so as to cover smaller running costs through plant sale income -Creating a strong programme of partnership projects with other local community groups so as to deliver on our community development outcome -Establishing a firm legal structure and fundraising strategy for the independent organisation

    Key Area(s) of Work:

    Community Development
    Community Facilities
    Environment / Recycling

    Address107 Alexander Road
    KY7 4DZ
    WebsiteWe don't have a website address for this organisation
    E-mail[email protected]
    Area coveredLocal communities in Fife
    Registered Charity?SC008897

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