supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Bookings for events/training sessions

  • Booking a place on one of our training courses or events is easy - complete the online form below then click on the Submit button at the bottom.

    Alternatively, you can download the booking form in PDF format or Microsoft Word format and complete it offline.

    Step 1. Confirm training course/event is correct

    Volunteer Management Training Course 3 - Supporting Your Volunteers

    Thursday 20 February 2025, 10:00 - 13:00
    Where: Dunfermline Community Support Hub, Kingsgate Shopping Centre, Dunfermline, KY12 7QU

    Step 2. Provide your details (the person making the booking)
    Your family name (surname)
    Please note: your e-mail address is important so please ensure you enter it correctly.
    Step 3. Provide attendee details Only complete this section if somebody other than you will be attending from your organisation.
    If you leave this section blank we will assume you only want to book 1 place - for yourself.
    To book a place for yourself and at least 1 other then please put yourself down as one of the attendees.

    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    First name:
    E-mail address:
    Confirm e-mail:
    Step 4. Tell us about any accessibility or other requirementsPlease use this section to tell us about any specific access, communication, dietary or other requirements for any of your attendees.
    Most of our events/training sessions will have tea, coffee, water and biscuits available. Lunch or other refreshments will only be available if explicitly stated in the description of the event/training session.
    Step 5. Paying for attendee places
    This event is free to attend but to encourage attendance and try and ensure a good turnout to benefit all attendees, we will charge a non-attendance fee of £25.00 per attendee. Full details on how to avoid non-attendance fees and so on are in the Terms and Conditions - see below. By submitting a booking for this event you agree to pay this fee for those attendees who have places booked but do not attend.

    Cancellations received sufficiently ahead of the event will avoid non-attendance fees. A cancellation will only be valid if we have confirmed it with you. You can send somebody else in place of a booked attendee without incurring a non-attendance fee.

    Step 6. Submit your booking request
    Please view our terms and conditions (see below) before submitting your booking. By clicking on the Submit button, you confirm that you agree to the Terms and Conditions relating to this booking request.

    The information you provide will only be used in relation to attending the event/session and evaluation of it. We will share the data with those people/organisations organising and delivering the event. We will not add you to any of our other mailing lists or use any of the personal details provided for anything other than organising, delivering and evaluating the event/session.

    By clicking on the Submit button, you give us permission to process the personal data provided above for the reasons stated above.

    You should familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions (see below) before you submit your booking. By submitting a booking you confirm that you have the authority to submit the booking on behalf of your organisation and you agree to the terms and conditions relating to the booking. Full terms and conditions are on the downloadable booking forms below.

    Your place(s) is not guaranteed until you receive confirmation of your place(s) from us. If you complete the booking form online you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming the details you submitted - this does not constitute a confirmation of your place(s). We will confirm your place(s) just as soon as we can, and will send you a separate e-mail to confirm or decline the booking. We reserve the right to cancel any booking at any time, and entirely at our discretion without any obligation to disclose the reason(s), but will normally only do so in exceptional circumstances when matters are beyond our control. Any payments received will be fully reimbursed if we cancel your booking for any reason.

    Full Terms and Conditions
    You can view or download:
    Terms and Conditions for booking places at FVA training courses and/or events;
    • the PDF booking form, with terms and conditions;
    • the Microsoft Word booking form, with terms and conditions.

This page was last updated on 29 January 2023.
Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page

What's this for?

You can use this form to book a place(s) at any training courses or events organised by Fife Voluntary Action.

We will send you an e-mail confirming the details you have submitted using this form and will then send a further e-mail to confirm your booking(s). Places are not confirmed until you receive the confirmation e-mail.


We collect personal data on this page. The information you provide will only be used in relation to attending the event/session and evaluation of it. We will share the data with those people/organisations organising and delivering the event. We will not add you to any of our other mailing lists or use any of the personal details for anything other than organising, delivering and evaluating the event/session.

Completing the form

If you need any help to complete this form then please call us on 0800 389 6046 during normal office hours.

Position and Organisation
The vast majority of people accessing our events are committee members, staff members or volunteers with community groups, social enterprises or voluntary organisations. We accept bookings from colleagues from public sector agencies for almost all events and can accept bookings from private sector businesses for some events. If you're not part of any organisation then please write "Private Individual" in the organisation box and we'll contact you before confirming your booking.

Contact details
You must supply a postal address with postcode and an e-mail address. Please enter your e-mail address in both boxes to help ensure we have the correct e-mail address for you. Confirmation and all booking and event related correspondence will be sent via e-mail to the main person. Individual e-mails will be sent to all attendees, so e-mail addresses must be provided for each attendee too.

Attendee Details
We've provided space for you to book for up to 6 attendees in total. If you are only booking 1 place for yourself then please leave the attendee details boxes empty. If you are booking places for yourself and at least one other person please put your own name in one of the attendee boxes! We may need to restrict how many places each organisation can have at some sessions, to ensure as many organisations as possible can benefit. If this needs to happen, we will get in touch with you to let you know.

If you want to book places for more than 6 attendees then please submit more than one booking request.

Accessibility or Other Requirements
We work hard to make attendance a good experience for attendees and would therefore ask that you notify us of any access, communication, dietary or other requirements that your attendees may have. We will endeavour to accommodate your stated requirements and will contact you if we think we might struggle to do so, or if we need more information from you so that we can best meet your needs.

Terms and Conditions
To view a copy of the terms and conditions which apply to all bookings at FVA events/training sessions please click here (PDF file).